Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 2024-05-10T22:25:23-07:00 JAIR Editorial Team Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of important research results to the global artificial intelligence (AI) community. The journal’s scope encompasses all areas of AI, including agents and multi-agent systems, automated reasoning, constraint processing and search, knowledge representation, machine learning, natural language, planning and scheduling, robotics and vision, and uncertainty in AI.</p> Counting Complexity for Reasoning in Abstract Argumentation 2024-03-22T20:31:52-07:00 Johannes K. Fichte Markus Hecher Arne Meier <p>In this paper, we consider counting and projected model counting of extensions in abstract argumentation for various semantics, including credulous reasoning. When asking for projected counts, we are interested in counting the number of extensions of a given argumentation framework, while multiple extensions that are identical when restricted to the projected arguments count as only one projected extension. We establish classical complexity results and parameterized complexity results when the problems are parameterized by the treewidth of the undirected argumentation graph. To obtain upper bounds for counting projected extensions, we introduce novel algorithms that exploit small treewidth of the undirected argumentation graph of the input instance by dynamic programming. Our algorithms run in double or triple exponential time in the treewidth, depending on the semantics under consideration. Finally, we establish lower bounds of bounded treewidth algorithms for counting extensions and projected extension under the exponential time hypothesis (ETH).</p> 2024-06-23T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research A Principled Distributional Approach to Trajectory Similarity Measurement and its Application to Anomaly Detection 2024-02-17T22:30:08-08:00 Yufan Wang Zijing Wang Kai Ming Ting Yuanyi Shang <p>This paper aims to solve two enduring challenges in existing trajectory similarity measures: computational inefficiency and the absence of the ‘uniqueness’ property that should be guaranteed in a distance function: dist(X, Y ) = 0 if and only if X = Y , where X and Y are two trajectories. In this work, we present a novel approach utilizing a distributional kernel for trajectory representation and similarity measurement, based on the kernel mean embedding framework. It is the very first time a distributional kernel is used for trajectory representation and similarity measurement. Our method does not rely on point-to-point distances which are used in most existing distances for trajectories. Unlike prevalent learning and deep learning approaches, our method requires no learning. We show the generality of this new approach in anomalous trajectory and sub-trajectory detection. We identify that the distributional kernel has (i) a data-dependent property and the ‘uniqueness’ property which are the key factors that lead to its superior task-specific performance, and (ii) runtime orders of magnitude faster than existing distance measures.</p> 2024-03-13T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research USN: A Robust Imitation Learning Method against Diverse Action Noise 2024-01-04T02:52:34-08:00 Xingrui Yu Bo Han Ivor W. Tsang <p>Learning from imperfect demonstrations is a crucial challenge in imitation learning (IL). Unlike existing works that still rely on the enormous effort of expert demonstrators, we consider a more cost-effective option for obtaining a large number of demonstrations. That is, hire annotators to label actions for existing image records in realistic scenarios. However, action noise can occur when annotators are not domain experts or encounter confusing states. In this work, we introduce two particular forms of action noise, i.e., <em>state-independent</em> and <em>state-dependent</em> action noise. Previous IL methods fail to achieve expert-level performance when the demonstrations contain action noise, especially the <em>state-dependent</em> action noise. To mitigate the harmful effects of action noises, we propose a robust learning paradigm called USN (Uncertainty-aware Sample-selection with Negative learning). The model first estimates the predictive uncertainty for all demonstration data and then selects samples<br />with high loss based on the uncertainty measures. Finally, it updates the model parameters with additional negative learning on the selected samples. Empirical results in Box2D tasks and Atari games show that USN consistently improves the final rewards of behavioral cloning, online imitation learning, and offline imitation learning methods under various action noises. The ratio of significant improvements is up to 94.44%. Moreover, our method scales to conditional imitation learning with real-world noisy commands in urban driving</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Learning Logic Specifications for Policy Guidance in POMDPs: an Inductive Logic Programming Approach 2023-12-21T22:51:56-08:00 Daniele Meli Alberto Castellini Alessandro Farinelli <p>Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) are a powerful framework for planning under uncertainty. They allow to model state uncertainty as a belief probability distribution. Approximate solvers based on Monte Carlo sampling show great success to relax the computational demand and perform online planning. However, scaling to complex realistic domains with many actions and long planning horizons is still a major challenge, and a key point to achieve good performance is guiding the action-selection process with domain-dependent policy heuristics which are tailored for the specific application domain. We propose to learn high-quality heuristics from POMDP traces of executions generated by any solver. We convert the belief-action pairs to a logical semantics, and exploit data- and time-efficient Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) to generate interpretable belief-based policy specifications, which are then used as online heuristics. We evaluate thoroughly our methodology on two notoriously challenging POMDP problems, involving large action spaces and long planning horizons, namely, rocksample and pocman. Considering different state-of-the-art online POMDP solvers, including POMCP, DESPOT and AdaOPS, we show that learned heuristics expressed in Answer Set Programming (ASP) yield performance superior to neural networks and similar to optimal handcrafted task-specific heuristics within lower computational time. Moreover, they well generalize to more challenging scenarios not experienced in the training phase (e.g., increasing rocks and grid size in rocksample, incrementing the size of the map and the aggressivity of ghosts in pocman).</p> 2024-02-28T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Expressing and Exploiting Subgoal Structure in Classical Planning Using Sketches 2023-12-28T20:00:24-08:00 Dominik Drexler Jendrik Seipp Hector Geffner <p>Width-based planning methods deal with conjunctive goals by decomposing problems into subproblems of low width. Algorithms like SIW thus fail when the goal is not easily serializable in this way or when some of the subproblems have a high width. In this work, we address these limitations by using a simple but powerful language for expressing finer problem decompositions introduced recently by Bonet and Geffner, called <em>policy sketches</em>. A policy sketch <em>R</em> over a set of Boolean and numerical features is a set of sketch rules <em>C</em> → <em>E</em> that express how the values of these features are supposed to change. Like general policies, policy sketches are domain general, but unlike policies, the changes captured by sketch rules do not need to be achieved in a single step. We show that many planning domains that cannot be solved by SIW are provably solvable in low polynomial time with the SIW<sub>R</sub> algorithm, the version of SIW that employs user-provided policy sketches. Policy sketches are thus shown to be a powerful language for expressing domain-specific knowledge in a simple and compact way and a convenient alternative to languages such as HTNs or temporal logics. Furthermore, they make it easy to express general problem decompositions and prove key properties of them like their width and complexity.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Similarity-Based Adaptation for Task-Aware and Task-Free Continual Learning 2024-01-01T01:32:18-08:00 Tameem Adel <p>Continual learning (CL) is a paradigm which addresses the issue of how to learn from sequentially arriving tasks. The goal of this paper is to introduce a CL framework which can both learn from a global multi-task architecture and locally adapt this learning to the task at hand. In addition to the global knowledge, we conjecture that it is also beneficial to further focus on the most relevant pieces of previous knowledge. Using a prototypical network as a proxy, the proposed framework bases its adaptation on the similarity between the current data stream and the previously encountered data. We develop two algorithms, one for the standard task-aware CL and another for the more challenging task-free setting where boundaries between tasks are unknown. We correspondingly derive a generalization upper bound on the error of an upcoming task. Experiments demonstrate that the introduced algorithms lead to improved performance on several CL benchmarks. </p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Detecting Change Intervals with Isolation Distributional Kernel 2023-12-02T02:40:57-08:00 Yang Cao Ye Zhu Kai Ming Ting Flora D. Salim Hong Xian Li Luxing Yang Gang Li <p>Detecting abrupt changes in data distribution is one of the most significant tasks in streaming data analysis. Although many unsupervised Change-Point Detection (CPD) methods have been proposed recently to identify those changes, they still suffer from missing subtle changes, poor scalability, or/and sensitivity to outliers. To meet these challenges, we are the first to generalise the CPD problem as a special case of the Change-Interval Detection (CID) problem. Then we propose a CID method, named iCID, based on a recent Isolation Distributional Kernel (IDK). iCID identifies the change interval if there is a high dissimilarity score between two non-homogeneous temporal adjacent intervals. The data-dependent property and finite feature map of IDK enabled iCID to efficiently identify various types of change-points in data streams with the tolerance of outliers. Moreover, the proposed online and offline versions of iCID have the ability to optimise key parameter settings. The effectiveness and efficiency of iCID have been systematically verified on both synthetic and real-world datasets.</p> 2024-01-28T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Collision Avoiding Max-Sum for Mobile Sensor Teams 2023-11-29T08:10:12-08:00 Arseniy Pertzovsky Roie Zivan Noa Agmon <p>Recent advances in technology have large teams of robots with limited computation skills work together in order to achieve a common goal. Their personal actions need to contribute to the joint effort, however, they also must assure that they do not harm the efforts of the other members of the team, e.g., as a result of collisions. We focus on the distributed target coverage problem, in which the team must cooperate in order to maximize utility from sensed targets, while avoiding collisions with other agents. State of the art solutions focus on the distributed optimization of the coverage task in the team level, while neglecting to consider collision avoidance, which could have far reaching consequences on the overall performance. Therefore, we propose CAMS: a collision-avoiding version of the Max-sum algorithm, for solving problems including mobile sensors. In CAMS, a factor-graph that includes two types of constraints (represented by function-nodes) is being iteratively generated and solved. The first type represents the task-related requirements, and the second represents collision avoidance constraints. We prove that consistent beliefs are sent by target representing function-nodes during the run of the algorithm, and identify factor-graph structures on which CAMS is guaranteed to converge to an optimal (collision-free) solution. We present an experimental evaluation in extensive simulations, showing that CAMS produces high quality collision-free coverage also in large and complex scenarios. We further present evidence from experiments in a real multi-robot system that CAMS outperforms the state of the art in terms of convergence time.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Collective Belief Revision 2023-12-12T08:32:11-08:00 Theofanis I. Aravanis <pre>In this article, we study the dynamics of collective beliefs. As a first step, we formulate David Westlund’s Principle of Collective Change (PCC) —a criterion that characterizes the evolution of collective knowledge— in the realm of belief revision. Thereafter, we establish a number of unsatisfiability results pointing out that the widely-accepted revision operators of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson, combined with fundamental types of merging operations —including the ones proposed by Konieczny and Pino Pérez as well as Baral et al.— collide with the PCC. These impossibility results essentially extend in the context of belief revision the negative results established by Westlund for the operations of contraction and expansion. At the opposite of the impossibility results, we also establish a number of satisfiability results, proving that, under certain (rather strict) requirements, the PCC is indeed respected for specific merging operators. Overall, it is argued that the PCC is a rather unsuitable property for characterizing the process of collective change. Last but not least, mainly in response to the unsatisfactory situation related to the PCC, we explore some alternative criteria of collective change, and evaluate their compliance with belief revision and belief merging.</pre> 2023-12-29T00:00:00-08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Understanding Sample Generation Strategies for Learning Heuristic Functions in Classical Planning 2023-12-23T23:45:37-08:00 Rafael V. Bettker Pedro P. Minini André G. Pereira Marcus Ritt <p>We study the problem of learning good heuristic functions for classical planning tasks with neural networks based on samples represented by states with their cost-to-goal estimates. The heuristic function is learned for a state space and goal condition with the number of samples limited to a fraction of the size of the state space, and must generalize well for all states of the state space with the same goal condition. Our main goal is to better understand the influence of sample generation strategies on the performance of a greedy best-first heuristic search (GBFS) guided by a learned heuristic function. In a set of controlled experiments, we find that two main factors determine the quality of the learned heuristic: the algorithm used to generate the sample set and how close the sample estimates to the perfect cost-to-goal are. These two factors are dependent: having perfect cost-to-goal estimates is insufficient if the samples are not well distributed across the state space. We also study other effects, such as adding samples with high-value estimates. Based on our findings, we propose practical strategies to improve the quality of learned heuristics: three strategies that aim to generate more representative states and two strategies that improve the cost-to-goal estimates. Our practical strategies result in a learned heuristic that, when guiding a GBFS algorithm, increases by more than 30% the mean coverage compared to a baseline learned heuristic.</p> 2024-06-02T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research