Prosociality in Microtransit

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Divya Sundaresan
Akhira Watson
Eleni Bardaka
Crystal Chen Lee
Christopher B. Mayhorn
Munindar P. Singh


We study (public) microtransit, a type of transportation service wherein a municipality offers point-to-point rides to residents, for a fixed, nominal fare. Microtransit exemplifies practical resource allocation problems that are often over-constrained in that not all ride requests (pickup and dropoff locations at specified times) can be satisfied or satisfied only by violating soft goals such as sustainability, and where economic signals (e.g., surge pricing) are not applicable—they would lead to unethical outcomes by effectively coercing poor people.

We posit that instead of taking rider preferences as fixed, shaping them prosocially will lead to improved societal outcomes. Prosociality refers to an attitude or behavior that is intended to benefit others. This paper demonstrates a computational approach to prosociality in the context of a (public) microtransit service for disadvantaged riders. Prosociality appears as a willingness to adjust one’s pickup and dropoff times and locations to accommodate the schedules of others and to enable sharing rides (which increases the number of riders served with the same resources).

This paper describes an interdisciplinary study of prosociality in microtransit between a transportation researcher, psychologists, a social scientist, and AI researchers. Our contributions are these: (1) empirical support for the viability of prosociality in microtransit (and constraints on it) through interviews with drivers and focus groups of riders; (2) a prototype mobile app demonstrating how our prosocial intervention can be combined with the transportation backend; (3) a reinforcement learning approach to model a rider and determine the best interventions to persuade that rider toward prosociality; and (4) a cognitive model of rider personas to enable evaluation of alternative interventions.

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