The Complexity of Pure Maxmin Strategies in Two-Player Extensive-Form Games
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Extensive-form games model strategic interaction between players, with an emphasis on the sequential aspect of decision-making: players take turns to move until an ending is reached, and receive a reward according to which ending is reached. We study the complexity of computing the pure maxmin value for such games, i.e. the maximum reward that a player can guarantee by playing a pure strategy, whatever their opponents play. We focus on two-player and two-team games and perform a systematic study depending on the degree of imperfect information of each player or team: perfect information, perfect recall, or perfect recall for each agent in a team (which we call multi-agent perfect recall). For each combination, we settle the complexity of deciding whether the maxmin value is at least as high as a given threshold. We give a complete complexity picture for three orthogonal settings: games represented explicitly by their game tree; games represented compactly by game rules, for which we propose two new formalisms; games in which the set of strategies of the opponents is restricted to a known set of opponent models.